Marathon success

April 22, 2024

Ravenscroft Construction are delighted to support the Sure Guernsey Marathon and Mourant Relay Race for a third year running by sponsoring the construction industry cup.
As well as being sponsors for the event, Ravenscroft entered two teams into the men’s 5-person relay team category, with Team 1 placing third overall and cinching the Construction Cup once again.


Both teams did brilliantly and enjoyed a celebratory lunch after the event. Each runner secured an extra day’s holiday too, so running up the Val de Terre’s at 9 o’clock on a Sunday morning doesn’t seem too bad after all…

Marketing Manager Jo Ravenscroft was pleased with the turnout this year, “Each year, more and more industry teams are entering which is great and a bit of friendly competition never did anyone any harm! I’m hoping that more and more companies who work in or with the construction industry will think about entering a team next year. If you can rally together 5 willing employees, please do give it ago.”

Ravenscroft Construction are sponsoring the Construction Cup in 2025 and are hoping to enter 3 teams themselves.